Research Projects Directory

Research Projects Directory

13,952 active projects

This information was updated 10/25/2024

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1 project has 'Asthma and COPD Demonstration Project' in the project title
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Asthma and COPD Demonstration Project v5

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are the two most common respiratory diseases. Therefore, understanding the characteristics and frequency of participants with either of these diseases in the US by analyzing the All of Us database has public health…

Scientific Questions Being Studied

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are the two most common respiratory diseases. Therefore, understanding the characteristics and frequency of participants with either of these diseases in the US by analyzing the All of Us database has public health implications. We will analyze the relationship of diagnosis for each disease to known risk factors and covariates including gender, age, race, BMI, smoking status, level of education and common comorbidities.

Project Purpose(s)

  • Disease Focused Research (Asthma, COPD)
  • Other Purpose (This work is the result of an All of Us Research Program Demonstration Project. Demonstration Projects are efforts by the All of Us Research Program designed to meet the goal of ensuring the quality and utility of the Research Hub as a resource for accelerating precision medicine. This work has been approved, reviewed, and overseen by the All of Us Research Program Science Committee and Data and Research Center to ensure compliance with program policy.)

Scientific Approaches

Standard statistical analysis will be used to determine the frequency of asthma or COPD diagnoses in the EHR and surveys in relationship to gender, age, BMI, race, educational status as a reflection of socioeconomic status (SES), regions of the country, co-morbidities and smoking status. Results will be compared to published data including the CDC. Since COPD is under diagnosed in the US, we will compare the demographics and health characteristics of participants with a significant history of smoking (but no diagnosis of COPD) to participants with a COPD diagnosis. In addition, we will examine the medication data in the EHR for comparison with the published guidelines for treatment of both of these diseases.

Anticipated Findings

We anticipate a higher frequency of asthma in women compared men but that men are more likely to have reported that asthma started in childhood. In addition, we anticipate a higher frequency of asthma and less medication use in African-Americans compared to non-Hispanic whites. Since COPD is mainly due to cigarette smoking, we anticipate that participants with a diagnosis of COPD are more likely to be men of middle to older age with a significant history of tobacco exposure. In addition, we expect that a proportion of participants with a significant history of smoking will not have a diagnosis of COPD either by EHR or survey but may report symptoms of airways disease. Also, the degree of misclassification of the two diseases will be determined; for example, a young adult with a limited degree of tobacco exposure diagnosed as COPD is more likely to have asthma. In both diseases, we expect an increase frequency of common comorbidities including increased BMI.

Demographic Categories of Interest

This study will not center on underrepresented populations.

Data Set Used

Registered Tier

Research Team


  • Lisa White - Project Personnel, University of Arizona


  • Deborah Meyers
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